Thursday, May 04, 2006

Election disaster was not 1st time

Election disaster was not 1st time: "Election Day glitches and even meltdowns are nothing new to the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections."

In a brief discussion of the primary during my Tri-C political science class last night, the gentleman who teaches the course mentioned that he worked at one of the polling stations, where problems with the machines delayed the start of voting at that location. He added that for quite a while only a couple of the machines were working properly.

A woman in the class mentioned that she was supposed to be on the ballot for a precicnt captain seat, but through some snafu, the poll workers were given the wrong cards to activate the machines (someone had inadvertently swapped card with another district), so her name didn't appear on the ballot until the mistake was corrected -- after 5:00pm.

On another note, the class intstructor mentioned that he had to explain to far too many voters that in a primary election asking a voter to identify a party selection is part of the process. He said several people refused, while others seemed embarrassed to request a ballot for either party, whispering the party name, and looking around to see if anyone was within earshot.

Democracy in action, baby!

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